Breakfast, Well Being

Red berry & chia swirl bowl

Nutrition is important to me as to how I perform on court, but also how I feel health wise. I’ve discovered a lot through my journey of performance and well being.

If my experience can help you realize something you weren’t aware of, then I hope you find that realization by continuing reading this post.

My personal struggle has been my sinus, however I discovered that certain foods can trigger it and weaken my immune system, making me more exposed to strong allergies of pollen.

Those foods connected to my case of Timothy grass pollen allergy are; legumes, oats, peanuts and tomatoes. However, it may be you’re not getting an allergy effect by all these foods, maybe only one or not to eat every kind all at once. Therefore I encourage you to understand your personal health and body since you know best.

That’s why food choices and nutrition can be different to each and one of us since we all are unique.

Since I was unaware of this and influenced by what I thought was categorized healthy, I didn’t help myself by eating this way for many years making my pollen allergy stronger over time. These facts was an eye opening change for me, and now that I know better, I can help myself to stay healthy. Of course everything with balance, since I have also understood how important it is to listen to your body and its needs instead of resisting.

That’s why I’m eating smoothie bowls instead of overnight oats or porridge. I discovered a new great invention of mixing it with chia pudding and having fun making swirls, it’s a great substitute to granola which normally contains oats. However, I found a solution to it making grainfree granola which also works perfectly. Yet, I must say I don’t mind mixing it with chia pudding. The benefits are many by eating it, you see chia seeds are high in fiber, protein, contains healthy fats and calcium. It’s perfect together with lots of berries as it stabilizes your blood sugar and which gives you a feeling of satiety.

Hoping this will make you more aware of what you eat and how you feel so that you can perform and be your best self.

Recipe & ingredients

• 1 cup frozen raspberries

• 1/2 cup frozen strawberries

• 1-2 frozen bananas

• 120 ml coconut milk

• 1 tsp rice bran from

Blend well together in a smoothie blender.

• 3 tbsp chia seeds

• 100 ml coconut milk

Set aside for 10 minutes and let it swell for it to become chia pudding!

Ps: it’s delicious with hazelnut butter, goji berries and dried apricots. Have fun making swirls when adding the chia pudding on top of your smoothie bowl!


With love & care, Melanie x