Well Being

Stockholm ~ Sweden

The castle

I love the nostalgia when walking past historic buildings and monuments through a city. I’ll tell ya, Stockholm’s old town still got it, with charming streets paving the way with old bricks, walls painted in warm orange and attention to detail of craft work. That made it all so magical. To be truthful, it was hard not to stop taking videos and pictures! There is always something eye catching, which takes your breath away, that makes you curious and excited about what’s next around the corner. You will spot tiny, narrow streets, antique shops and bakeries for a traditional “fika”. The experience was beyond my expectations, a new breath of life fueled me as I made my first touristic visit in Stockholm.

The the eye catching church

As I’m gazing up with awe, these historical monuments leaves me speechless. They remind me that we all share some greatness in us. We only need to take ownership of it and find that drive to show up each day to be our greatest self. That can be as simple as smiling at a stranger, giving thanks, being supportive and loving, living aligned with your purpose and goals so that you unleash your true potential! We are all great, just look back at history and what mankind has been capable of, cause you’re no different. You are significant, you play an important part, remember that.

Feels like being brought back in time!
If you pay attention to details, you’ll stop every second on your way through the old town…
Don’t you want to just step inside by how cute this entrance is presented?!

The city has so much to offer. Look at these classical sailboats at shore, since there is a river running through Stockholm called Söderström. I didn’t get the chance to be out in the waters, but that’s one of the tourist attractions. My recommendation is to go on a boat sightseeing and you will get the chance to see the city from a different view than by land.

So take the trip to visit Stockholm, not easy during these corona times though. But when you do, I hope the magic will spark through you the same way the old town in Stockholm did to me.

With love and care, Melanie x

And stay safe ❤